What are Mission Viejo Public Records?
Under the CPRA, Mission Viejo public records describe all information created, received, used, or maintained by government agencies. These public records include most data, whether in physical or electronic form. Note that some records, including the following, may be restricted from public access:
- Preliminary notes or drafts
- Attorney work products
- Some records of ongoing law enforcement investigations
- Intelligence information
- Records where public disclosure is prohibited by law
Mission Viejo Crime Statistics
The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program reports crime statistics for the city of Mission Viejo. According to figures reported in 2019, the city saw 866 property crimes and 65 violent crimes. A breakdown shows 121 cases of burglary, 56 motor vehicle thefts, 5 cases of arson, and 689 recorded larceny thefts, the city's most committed crime. Violent crime figures include 8 rape cases, 22 robberies, 34 aggravated assault incidents, and 1 case of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, the least common crime in the city. The total number of index crimes reported in 2019 is an 11.3% reduction from numbers recorded in 2018.
Are Mission Viejo Criminal Records Public?
Mission Viejo criminal records are not subject to the CPRA, and are therefore not public records. California law restricts criminal history information to certain authorized criminal justice agencies and some employers of labor. Mission Viejo residents may also obtain copies of personal criminal records from the California Department of Justice.
To request a Mission Viejo criminal record, an interested party must complete a Live Scan Form in English or Spanish and take the form to an approved Live Scan site for fingerprinting services. The DOJ charges a $25 processing fee for each request. Note that this fee is exclusive of fingerprinting services. The requestor should enclose the form with a check or money order payable to the "California Department of Justice," and a fingerprint card. Requests should be sent to the:
California Department of Justice
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Analysis
Record Review & Challenge Section
P.O. Box 160207
Sacramento, CA 95816-0207
Residents may also request criminal history information from the Orange County Sheriff's Department through its Records Unit. Interested persons may call the unit at (714) 834-6454 on weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
How to Obtain Mission Viejo Police Reports and Arrest Records
Mission Viejo police services are handled by the Orange County Sheriff's Department. The OCSD maintains and provides requestors with copies of Mission Viejo arrest records and police reports. These records are not public and are only accessible by the following persons:
- Victims
- A victim's authorized representative
- A person that suffered bodily injury, property loss or damage
- A related insurance carrier
Interested persons may request in person, via mail, and by fax. To order by mail, complete a request form. Although records cost 15 cents per page, domestic violence reports are free for victims. Record seekers may mail completed forms to:
Orange County Sheriff's Department
P.O. Box 449
Santa Ana, CA 92702
Residents may also fax requests to (714) 834-5466 or request in person by visiting the following address:
320 North Flower Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Note that the OCSD may not issues copies of the following:
- Records that may endanger a witness or other involved persons
- Records that may interfere with an investigation
- Personal details of certain crime victims
- Records exempt from disclosure by law, such as child abuse reports
How to Find Sex Offender Information in Mission Viejo
The California Department of Justice has an online registry with statewide details of registered sex offenders. To find Mission Viejo sex offenders, an interested party must provide the offender's full name for a name search or an address for a map search. Users may also include transient offenders in the map search. The search results display each inmate's booking photograph, physical description, date of birth, offense details, risk assessment, and last known address.
How to Find Mission Viejo Inmate Records
Residents may find Mission Viejo inmate records online via the Orange County Sheriff's Department's search page. Searching the database requires the inmate's last name. However, users may also add first and middle names, age, and gender. The registry provides the inmate's full name, birth date, and physical description. Information on the inmate's occupation, court dates, custody status, arrest date, and housing details is also available. Note that available information may be restricted due to security concerns. Persons seeking unavailable information may contact any Orange County Sheriff jail facility in person.
How Do I Visit an Inmate in the Mission Viejo Jail?
The Orange County Sheriff's Department maintains three detention facilities, including the:
- Central Men's Jail
- Central Women's Jail
- Theo Lacy Facility
Visitation at each facility takes place from Fridays through Monday, between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. The first check-in at each facility starts at 7:00 am, except the Theo Lacy Facility, which starts check-in at 8:00 am. All three facilities do not allow visitors to sign up after 5:00 pm. Note that this time may be earlier at the Central Men's Jail, depending on the inmate's housing location.
Upon entry, visitors must present valid government-issued photo identification, such as a state driver's license or identification card, consular card, or passport. An inmate may receive one public visit per visiting day, with each visit lasting at least 30 minutes. Each visit is limited to two adults and one child under five years old or one adult and two children under five years old. Although the child must be under adult supervision at all times, unaccompanied minor children may visit a relative if the Watch Commander approves before the visit. Persons released from jail within the past 60 days are not allowed to visit. However, the Watch Commander may approve visits from such persons if the inmate is a blood relative.
All visitors must dress and behave appropriately. Any action or clothing item deemed offensive, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate may cause the visitor to lose visitation privileges.
Court Records
The City of Mission Viejo does not have a court. Instead, it has a Superior Court Service Center where residents may access required information. Depending on the case type, Mission Viejo court cases are heard at the Central Justice Center (CJC), Harbor Justice Center (HJC), and the Lamoreaux Justice Center (LJC) in Orange County. The CJC hears unlimited civil, limited civil, probate, mental health, and small claims matters. It also hears unlawful detainer and civil harassment cases. The LJC hears family and juvenile cases, while the HJC handles traffic and criminal cases. Cases are heard at the following locations:
Orange County Superior Court
Central Justice Center
700 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Phone: (657) 622-6878
Orange County Superior Court
Harbor Justice Center – Newport Beach
4601 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (657) 622-5400
Orange County Superior Court
Lamoreaux Justice Center
341 The City Drive South
Orange, CA 92868
Phone: (657) 622-6878
Superior Court Service Center
27573 Puerta Real
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (657) 622-6878
Are Mission Viejo Court Records Public?
Mission Viejo court records are available to all requestors. California law allows public access to most records of proceedings held in Orange County courts. Nevertheless, some records are considered confidential and therefore unavailable to the general public. Some private information includes juvenile records, child custody records, and some divorce records.
Can You Look up a Mission Viejo Court Case Online?
The Orange County Superior Court provides online services to residents, including remote access to Orange County court records. The online services page offers case search options, including case type, case number, and party names.
How to Obtain Mission Viejo Civil Court Case Records
Residents may obtain Mission Viejo civil court records from the court that heard the case. Court records are available for cases since 1889. Each record costs 50 cents per page. Certification and exemplification fees are $40 and $50, respectively. To request a Mission Viejo civil court record, residents should complete the Copy Request (Form #L-696). Alternatively, requestors may provide the following details in a written application:
- Case number (If case number is unknown, consider searching online)
- Name of respondent/defendant or petitioner/plaintiff
- Document name and filing date
- Requestor's name, phone number, and address
Mail requests are payable by checks or money orders made out to the "Clerk of the Court." If the record is not more than 20 pages, the check should have "not to exceed $25" written below the amount line. If the record is at least 21 pages, the check should include a "not to exceed $60" below the amount line. The requestor must enclose the completed form with payment and a 9" x 12" self-addressed and stamped envelope. The request should be sent to the court that heard the case.
How to Obtain Mission Viejo Criminal Court Case Records
Mission Viejo criminal court records are available in the Criminal Operations Department of the relevant Justice Center. Copies cost 50 cents per page plus $40 and $50 for certified and exemplified records, respectively. An interested party must complete a Copy Request (Form #L-3009) or write an application with the following details:
- Defendant's name
- Case number
- Birth date (if known)
- Specific document(s) requested
- Driver's license number (if known)
- Requestor's name and contact phone number
Payment is accepted via checks preprinted with the account holder's name, and payable to the "Clerk of the Court." If unsure of the total amount, write "not to exceed $25" under the amount line. Record seekers should send the request with a self-addressed and stamped envelope to the court address.
What are Mission Viejo Vital Records?
Mission Viejo vital records are documents with recorded details of life events in the city. Vital records are government-generated records of marriages, divorces, births, and deaths. Obtain Mission Viejo vital records from the Orange County Superior Court or the Orange County Clerk-Recorder. Note that some vital records are not considered public.
Where and How to Obtain Mission Viejo Divorce Records
The Superior Court's Family Law Division maintains countywide records of divorces. To obtain Mission Viejo divorce records, requestors may complete the copy request form. Each record costs 50 cents per page. A certified judgment costs $15 and certified copies of other related documents cost $25. Fees are payable by checks made out to the "Clerk of the Court." Interested parties are to send completed forms with self-addressed and stamped envelopes to the:
Orange County Superior Court
Lamoreaux Justice Center
Family Law Division
Attention: Records Department
341 The City Drive South
Orange, CA 92868
Phone: (657) 622-6878
Requestors may also obtain records in person by visiting the above address. Public computers are available at the Justice Center for divorces filed since 1997.
Where and How to Get Public Mission Viejo Marriage Records
Public Mission Viejo marriage records are obtainable from the Orange County Clerk-Recorder's Office. All city residents may obtain informational copies of desired birth records. To obtain a Mission Viejo birth certificate, the requesting party must complete the vital records request form with the names of both parties and the date of marriage. Each marriage certificate costs $15. If no record is found, the Clerk-Recorder's Office will issue a "Certificate of No Record." Payment is accepted via check or money order made out to the "Orange County Clerk-Recorder." Residents should send requests by mail to the:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
P.O. Box 238
Santa Ana, CA 92702
The Clerk-Recorder's Office processes most records within ten business days from the date the request is received. Note that informational copies are not usable for official purposes.
Where and How to Get Confidential Mission Viejo Marriage Records
The Clerk-Recorder's Office only issues copies of confidential Mission Viejo marriage certificates to eligible requestors, including the following:
- One of the married parties
- A child, grandchild, sibling, parent, legal guardian or custodian, grandchild, spouse, or registered domestic partner
- An attorney representing an eligible party
- Anyone requesting with a court order
An interested requestor must complete a vital records request form. Each Mission Viejo marriage certificate costs $15, payable by check or money order made out to the "Orange County Clerk-Recorder." If there is no record, the requestor will receive a "Certificate of No Record." Requestors must fill the Sworn Statement attached to the request form, specifying a relationship to the person named on the record. Requests for confidential Mission Viejo marriage records should also be notarized and sent to the:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
P.O. Box 238
Santa Ana, CA 92702
Where and How to Find Mission Viejo Birth Records
The Clerk-Recorder's Office maintains copies of Mission Viejo birth records and issues copies to requestors. Mission Viejo birth certificates may be informational or certified copies. The general public may request informational copies of birth records. Certified copies may only be obtained by the following persons:
- The subject of the record
- An immediate family member
- Any person with a court order granting access
- An eligible party's attorney
Record seekers may obtain records by completing the request form with the subject's full name, city of birth, birth date, and mother's maiden name. Each record costs $28. Checks and money orders should be payable to the "Orange County Clerk-Recorder." Persons requesting certified copies must fill the attached Sworn Statement, have the request notarized, and send it to the:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
P.O. Box 238
Santa Ana, CA 92702
For records of births within the last 60 days, call (714) 480-6700
Where and How to Find Mission Viejo Death Records
Request Mission Viejo death records from the Orange County Clerk-Recorder. The Clerk-Recorder's Office provides informational and certified copies of Mission Viejo death certificates. Access to certified copies is restricted to the decedent's:
- Immediate family members
- Authorized attorney
- Authorized representative of the decedent's estate
- Surviving next of kin
- Funeral director
Other persons not listed above may obtain informational copies. All persons must complete a request form with the decedent's full name, city of death, and date of death. Death records cost $21 per copy, payable by checks or money orders made out to the "Orange County Clerk-Recorder." A person requesting a certified copy must complete the attached Sworn Statement before a notary public and mail it to the:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
P.O. Box 238
Santa Ana, CA 92702
For records of deaths within the last 60 days, call (714) 480-6700